Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sister Richards' 1st Email!!!!!

Hola Mi familia!!

Wow!! I can't believe it was only a few days ago that I was with all you guys. I feel like I have been at the MTC for weeks! These last few days have been so great. After you dropped me off I spent a lot of time in lines getting my keys, room, etc. We then later that night had a huge meeting with all the new missionaries. So my companion decided not to show up. Sad I know!! Once I met with my District Presidency they then put me with two other Hermanas in my district. And guess what?? They are also going to the Texas Houston South Mission! Spanish speaking. Hermana Stevens from Idaho and Hermana Wright from Washington. In my district alone we have a total of 6 missionaries going to my mission. All leaving the same day to go to Texas. The Elders in my district are awesome!! They are very respectful of the Hermanas.

The last few days we have been in cass A LOT!! We have been learning the first lesson in Preach My Gospel and how to pray and testify in Spanish. I am VERY grateful for the little Spanish I know. I really do wish I had paid more attention in Spanish though. It has been really weird singing in Spanish. I am having trouble getting the tune of the song and trying to sing in a language I dont know at the same time. Haha! I would totally mess it up and then laugh out loud....oh man.

One thing that has been hard is that one of my teachers is sick. So we haven't meet her yet. Because of that we have had up to 7 or 8 different teachers. They wouldn't know what the person before them has taught so we often get lessons very similar or almost the same. I feel like we are a little behind as a district. But no worries, we are all working really hard to learn as fast and effective as we can.

How are things at home? I realize now how amazing it was to be a part of Pauls discussions and baptism. I feel like I can realate in the role playing to the investigator a little bit because I sat in when Paul was taking the discussions. Me and my companions taught the first lesson today to some other Hermanas in another district and it went SO well! I was so happy when we were done. Afterward they just kept saying how they could not believe it was our first week because we did so well.

Thank you so much for the letters!! It really has uplifted me. Oh! Funny right after you guys dropped me off the Elders helping me at the curb said that our goodbye/curb drop off was the best Sister drop off they had ever seen. So good job family for not crying for 20 minutes and making a scene!

I love you all SO MUCH!! I am doing great. Really! i have only cried once and it was because of an experience I will have to tell you more about later :) I have noticed how much Heavenly Father has blessed me so far. He has given me SO much strength. I can even begin to expain the feeling of His love for me. I have felt it stronger here than I have ever had before. Please write!! Have a wonderful week.

Love,Hermana Richards

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