Monday, June 14, 2010

I hate Rashiem!!

"If you want something you have never had you must be willing to something you have never done before"
I love being a missionary!!! Seriously though!! It at times is super tough because you are tired and hot but Heavenly Father makes it all worth it. I know that this is the only true church on the earth today. That this is the only way in which we can return to live with our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and our families forever. It has never been so clear to me as it has now being here. Following God's commandments and being a worthy member of the Church is way more important than ANYTHING else on the earth. Satan just likes to trick us into thinking that it isn't. I have seen miracles happen and I hav had to call angels down to change people. But this is the Lords work. I love the Lord!! Keep the faith!

Transfer calls were yesterday morning and I am not getting transferred. Hermana Bird and I are staying together and we are super excited about it!!

Rasheim....special soul....he was the guy that did my CT scan and my IV. It took him 30 minutes to find a vain in my arm and once he got the iv in he had to move it around in my arm to get it in the vain! It hurt so bad!! Needless to say I have a bruse the size of a baseball on my arm that is bright purple. He was NOT my fav! \

The mosquitos are CRAZY here!! I have about 30 bites all over my arms and legs. We soak ourselves down in bug spray everyday and still they swirm around and attack you. People say that we havent seen anything yet. :( great!

I went on exchanges for the first time on Wed(where you go to another area with another missionary). I ahd to be senoir comp cause the girl I had was new in the mission. I had to teach the entire lessons all day and understand all that was being said! Heavenly Father blessed me so much! It turned out to be a good day with a lot of success. I was glad to return to my BF Hermana Bird and to Galveston though!! Who knew I would miss her so much!

We were fed Menudo(cow stomach or something) on Tuesday. I wanted to kill myself. IT smelt like wet dog!! GROSSSSS!!!!!

We totally got he bootleg copy of EFY 2010!! You do not know the importance of that sentence till you are a missionary!

I am super excited to hear that Rick and the boys are getting baptized!! I cried!! I am here teaching people and the ones I love back at home are being blessed also! CONGRATS!! :)

I dont have any time left :( I love you all so much!! I am sending a cd thing home(to grandmas) MOM---you have to watch it then send it to my sisters or put it on will know hwat I mean when you get it ;)



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