Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hoppy Easter!

"Sometimes the Lord calms the storm and sometimes He lets the storm rage and He calms the sailor"

I love this quote! Hermana Hammar used to quote it a lot. It is by Neal A. Maxwell. I think it is so true that even if Heavenly Father gives us moments of trail or craziness, He always gives us the ability to feel peace. We have to ask and He will offer us the love and peace that comes through His spirit. I know that even though storms rage in our lives we can have a silence and reverence within our souls. Turn to Him and He will provide that never ending feeling of hope and love.

I had a good week! I went to the Houston Temple for the first time. It was so beautiful! I took some pictures and have a few of them sent. It was a gorgeous day and the grounds looked amazing with the pink and yellow tulips. :) I love the feeling within the temple. I was able to feel peace even though moments on a mission can be tough. I also was able to see Hermana Hammar for the first time since transfers. Her and I started crying and we gave big huges. She has a hard companion right now like I do. I love her so much! Definitely a tender mercy from the Lord.

I also met with President this last week. We had Presidents interviews. He is so awesome! He knows exactly what I need to hear. He said I was sent to Galveston to help the people but also to help my companion step it up. If you know what I mean. I think I am kinda kicking her butt right now because I am determined to get our goals. It is going good. I am learning patience that is for sure!

We had an awesome Easter activity in the church. It was so cute to see all the little kids go on an easter egg hunt and we ate a pancake breakfast. It was combined with the Spanish branch and English ward on the island. So fun! and a family in the ward even gave all the missionaries an easter basket. They are all so supportive!

Conference is this weekend!!! I am so excited! I encouage all of you to go. In fact, I was thinking. Maybe it would be a good idea for at least Sunday morning to go as a family to the chapel and listen. that way everyone will pay attention and get more out of it. Instead of doing other things and not getting as much out of it as you could. Just a suggestion :)

Some of you have asked about my investigators right now. I will tell you about a couple.
Luis-He is an older man that LOVES to read teh book of mormon. He used to smoke a pack a day and not we have him down to 2 cigerettes a day! He had a baptisaml date for april 11th but he needs to get married to the woman he is living with---only problem is that she is still married to a man in Guatemala. It is a huge chralie fox!! but we are praying for a miracle.

Sofia-She is the cutest woman ever. She is 31 and tries to speak English. SO cute! She is going very slow. We have only taught her the first 2 lessons. We are hoping that she will pray to find out that this is the true church.

Silvia-Sad story. She was supposed to get baptized two days ago but backed out nad now says she isnt looking for a church right now. Super sad! We are trying to be patient but if she doesnt progress we cant keep visiting her.

Those are our 3 main investigators right now. We are constantly looking for new people and are going through people like crazy. But such is missionary life. I am doing good. I pray that you all have a good week! I love you


Where are the brakes on this bike???

"The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache" -Sister Hinckley

I love this quote! How many times do we have a moment in our lives when we feel so overwhelmed and stressed? Heavenly Father gives us challenges to stretch us. So we can learn and grow. I have felt this almost every day since being on my mission. But I know that I am learning attributes and qualities that are needed for the challenges that will come in my life. The things I learn here are strengthening me! You have to laugh when something goes wrong, it will help you get through it. :)

My week went well. The title of this email is funny cause I rode the bike for the first time in almost 10 years. It was an adventure for sure! HAHAH! I started out really rocky but then got used to it. I still cant turn very well but with practice I will soon be a pro. I send a couple of pics so you all could see. :)

Last week was spring break for everyone here so the beaches and Island were packed! This is definitely a tourist spot. Kinda cool though cause I talk to people from all over the world. It is sometimes hard to look at the beach all the time without being able to go on it. I promised myself one day I would come back and lay on the beach-soaking up the sun!

Thank you SOSOSOSO much for the packages-Family and Janet! I have my easter basket sitting on my desk. I promised myself I couldn't open the Cars egg till Easter-gives me something ot look forward to. :) The pictures were awesome too! Looks like you had fun. I already put some of them on my wall.

We(6 missionaries) sang in church yesterday, La oracion del profeta(joseph smiths first prayer). It turned out awesome! I am actually excited to sing in church when I get home. Jess---be finding some awesome music :) OH! so I got inlisted to be the ward choir pianist-KILL ME!! there is NO ONE else that plays piano. It was cool to be back in choir mode for a little while nad teach people how to sing and parts. THe only problem was I had to do it in Spanish :(

So let me tell you a little bit more about the condition of the Island. Hurricane Ike really tore it up here. Many of the houses are still in shambles. Most houses I go into are SO small. Like the size of our front living room. I sit on upside down buckets to eat dinner or share a message. Its crazy! People here have little ot no money. But they are so willing to help the missionaries-which is awesome!

I get to go to the temple on Friday! I am so excited! It is like 2 1/2 hours away though. It is going to be an amazing day! I will take tons of pictures for all of you!

Conference is coming up and I am stoked. Everyone try to go into conference with a question in mind. You will get an answer from the mouths of the speakers. It is going to be great!! I love all of you! have a fabulous week :)

Love, Sarah


Yup! I have been transferred to Galveston Island. And boy is it an island. People here are always in their swim suits and chill on the beach. I cant actually go on the beach but I can walk on the sea wall. Which is close enough. Our apartment is 1 block away from the ocean. Which is super cool! The water is pretty brown though. Oh and yes we do have bikes. We have a car also but we are supposed to work on bike when we can. I have yet to ride it yet. I dont think Hna. Gibson likes bikes much.

As you all probably know hurricane ike hit here about a year and a half ago. It looks like it hit here recently cause a lot of houses are still vacant, tore up, or still being re-built. Everything is referred to as "before or after the hurricane". On Sat. we helped a lady in our ward finally get her house ready to move in. She has been living in an apartment since the hurricane. We only have a Spanish branch that we work with but the members are really nice and supportive. We meet in a normal meeting house--its a little smaller than normal ones. There is no one in the ward that plays piano so we listen to the cds and sing to them in sacrament meeting(weird).

I took some pictures and am sending them today. It has been super foggy and rainy so you cant see very well. There are tons and tons of historic sites here. Cemetaries that have the old old old dates. Do you remember the southern houses they have at disneyland?? like the ones kinda by pirates ride....the houses look like that. I have heard some interesting accents too.

There are tons and tons of Hispanics here. Like I feel like I am in some weird tourist town in mexico. I have had a hard time adjusting thats for sure. I am used to being so close to many missionaries. Here we are like exiled. Hermana Gibson is my new companion. She is from Orem Utah and goes to UVU. She is really nice and only has about 2 transferrs left till she goes home. I sometimes do feel like I am the senior companion. Her Spanish is good but with about everything else I feel like I have to take charge. I am having a hard tiem adjusting to her. I LOVE LOVE Hermana Hammar. I know her and I will be good friends when we get home, Her and I both bawled during the transfer meeting. And of course during the transfer meeting President asks me to share my testimony. Why is he always picking on me? haha. I will send mom an email with more details of Hermana Gibson. I am definitely adjusting!

Thanks again for the awesome package mom!!! I LOVED it! Send me mail to my Galveston address...otherwise I dont get mail really form the mission office. Maybe once every 2 weeks. Hermana Gibson said our apartment complex mail is pretty reliable and the office workers are awesome! Just let me know when you send a package so I can look out for it.

I love you all! Thanks for the letter and emails.

My Galveston address: 6424 Central City Blvd. apt#326 Galveston, TX 77551

I love you


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sarah's new email address!!!!


Hey family!!

I LOVED hearing about your Disneyland trip. So jealous! I am not surprised that
mom and Dave got soaking wet. I really need pictures! Like especially of the
girls. I haven't gotten any new pictures of them since being on my mission. I
definitely need pictures!!!

So yes I am getting transferred. I am sad! I LOVE Hermana Hammar and I am so sad
to be leaving her. Here is the zone leader told me that only one
other Hermana is getting transferred so I am 95% sure that I am going to
GALVESTON! crazy! Oh and sisters in galveston are on bike---yes I know I havent
riden a bike for about 10 years. this will be interesting HAHAH!!!! Pray for me!
lol! I hear it is basically mexico there! I will have so much to write you next
week. The thing that sucks is mail is unreliable in galveston and we only get
mail from the office like every 2 weeks or so. :( that doesnt mean you can stop
writting me.

This week was good. We achieved all of our goals! I worked SO hard! We got 10
OYM's this week and over our 20 sit downs(lessons). SO basically I found a
Panera bread here! WE ate there last week and today! So delicious. I literally
cried when I saw it! Hermana Hammar was like "whats wrong" lol!

On saturday we had this thing called a mini mission. It is where youth from the
stake go out with us for a day and are missionaries. We got a girl named Dulce.
She was awesome! She is 17 and the best thing is she spoke perfect spanish. LOL!
She helped me so much. But what a cool thing for the youth to be able to do. Our
stake should do it.

Last monday we visited an inactive girl. She is the only member in her family,
Kristy. She basically takes care of her 3 little brothers cause her mom is in
jail and her dad works all the time or is drunk. So on monday we went over there
to play a game/lesson with them. Well, Danny 5 years old comes out and he is
sick. He was wrapped up in a little blanket and I asked him if her wanted to sit
by me. He nodded his head yeah and then came and layed next to me. When I was
tlaking to him he looked like he was going to cry! so sad! The boys just need a
mom. The house is disgusting, they are all sick, have no food. They play outside
in shorts and a shirt in 50 degree weather. It is really hard to see. We try to
get the ward invlolved but they really are not that supportive. Pray for them!

Well, it sounds like you all had an awesome week! I am serious about those
pictures ;) You will have to plan a trip like that when I get home.

P.S. Paul----i am proud of you going on splash mountain...i know its scawy! :(

I love you all SO OSOSOSOS much! HUGS :)



OK----first off, SO jealous you are all going to Disneyland on Friday! Take tons and tons of pictures. Cause its the happiest place on earth. I need some of that happiness :)

Sounds like everyone is super busy from the emails. The days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days here. Its weird. Last monday we had a stake family home evening. It was cool-we had a bunch of carnival type games and people had to pay a "talent" when they played. But the only way to get talents was to listen to spiritual messages for a few minutes. It was fun! Me and an Elder from my district in the MTC were in charge of the golf putting game. So fun! It turns out that Hispanic people do not know how to play golf(Dad you would have died!) I seriously had to show them how to hold the club and everything! LOL!

So President Saylin called us up on Tuesday and said he wanted to meet with Hermana Hammar and I that night. He is seriously so awesome!! He basically gave us words of advice and told us what a great job we are doing. I am so grateful for him. One thing he said was that "I wish you could see yourself in the eyes of your mission President" He kept telling us the Lord is pleased with our work, etc. It helped so much!

We walked out of the mission office to find that it was SNOWING!! It didn't stick or anything but it was so cool. I took a picture but you cant tell what it is of. LOL I will always remember that it was the snow :)

Hermana Hammar is hilarious so we were mad cleaning our apartment on Wednesday(tell you why later) and she found these nerd/huge glasses. She said she wanted to wear them that day and I laughed thinking she was joking. NO! She seriously wore them all day! HAHA! I took pictures.

OK-so we had to crazy mad clean our apartment cause President told us that a member of the seventy was coming to our mission for the mission conference and wanted to tour a couple missionary apartments. WEll out of all the choices he picked ours!! SO it had to be spotless!

Mission conference ended up being so good! I cried. Sister Zwick(the seventy's wife) gave an amazing talk(Maygen they came to your mission a couple years ago---I dont know if you were there). She talked about her handicapped son and how he calls her many times in one day. He always starts the conversation saying "Mom, are you happy?" Well, that morning he called his mom and he told his mom to "tell all the missionaries to be really really happy" I was of course bawling. And then she talked about losing a loved one while on your mission, a parent or sibling, well....of course next to me is the Elder that found out like 2 months ago that his dad died and he decided to stay on his mission. He started sobbing during her talk. She gave really inspiring words!

Well, they came to our apartment after the conference. They kept talking about how great me nad hna. hammar nad I are. We even said a prayer in our apartment-they blessed us, our investigators, and our apartment. Think-a member of the seventy and 2 mission presidents(one that is about to go to Iowa to be a mission pres.). It was truly amazing!!

Oh os during the conference Elder Zwick asked that a set of missionaries come up and teach a lesson to show everyone---of course me nad hermana hammar are chosen!!!! Scared to death!! Well, it ended up going really well. Afterward President thanked us for doing such an awesoem job.

Well, I dont have much time left. I love you! HAve fun this week. Thanks for the letters and emails.

Hermana RIchards


Hey Family!

First off you are probably wondering why I put that as the subject of the email. Well, they have this burger place here called whataburger. Everybody loves it for some reason. I really dont know why. It tastes like wendy's or like fat burger at home.....definitely NOT in-n-out! haha!

Another miracle-I was driving and then suddenly I notcied the car in front of me had Nevada plates! I seriously got so excited. Hermana Hammar wrote a sign and held it up to the window as we drove past(like Jess does all the time) HAHA!!! He was younger and just started laughing. I wish I could have gotten a picture. That is the first time I have seen a Nevada plate. There really are very few cars that have anything other than Texas plates.

On wed. the senior missionaries that ususally teach the English class were sick so they asked if we could do it. LOL! we ended up teaching new words, playing a game where they had to run up to the board and find the word then they got extra points if they could throw the roll of toilet paper in the trash can(my idea...i had to improvise). It was fun! Then Hermana Hammar taught some grammar etc. Needless to say it was funny cause-well, I dont speak spanish very well.

About 3-4 people this week have told me how much my Spanish has improved. I actually can communicate with people and kind of have a conversation. Normally Hna. Hammar would help me out.

We went to a members house for dinner on Thurs. She is awesome! She loves Rachel Ray so she had us help her make one of the recipies from her show-mushroom quesidillas and salsa with beans and rice. It turned out pretty good.

We had a noche de hogar(family home evening) at this members house with an investigator and there is this adorable little girl-her name is Lupe. Well she kept putting princess stickers all over me and when it was time to sing she grabbed my pen and tried to conduct. She is like 4 years old. I love her! Plus, she doesn't judge me for my Spanish. LOL!

Last night we went and visited an inactive family. Well, they have never let us in and last night they did! We taught them about the plan of salvation and church. They already know what they are supposed to be doing they just havent taken that step to go back. We invited them ot an activity tonight. I really hope they come. The one son-Jerry was pretty cool. I talked with him a lot about BYU and Utah(he spoke English-dont overestimate my skills :) He really wants to come back to church.

One of our recent converts, Armando is really stuggling. He basically doesn't want ot come to church anymore. He is the one who was baptized in December. It is really hard for me to understand him. It takes so much out of us to convice him to continue coming. The ward really needs to step it up or he is going to become inactive.

I guess I really never realized what missionary work entails. REally the help of the members is key. We are always needing a member ot come with us to appointments, or befriend or investigators(sit by them in chruch or invite them to dinner) I never knew what the members where supposed to do. And when missionaries come ot our house htey normally eat then peace out. We NEVER do that. We always leave with a spiritual message and a commitment. Maybe you guys could ask the missionaries in the ward how you could help more. Those members that call us and offer help really are life savors and take SO much stress of. Tell them they can bring an investigator over to the house for dinner and a message. I promise it helps!------Maygen-------I have an extra challenge for you. I was going to write it in my letter to you today but I will include it here. Will you plan to go out with the missionaries sometime?? For like a lesson or something? Even if it is to tract or contact. They really need your awesome skills and then they would be able to get more of their goals accomplished. Actually, Everyone can offer to go out with the missionaries ;) Dont think I am pressuring honestly just saves us. The members can often help investigators progress so much faster then we ever could.

I hope you all have an amazing week.

Jessica---i am obsessed with the inside jokes. They made me laugh out loud. :)

I love you!