Tuesday, March 9, 2010


OK----first off, SO jealous you are all going to Disneyland on Friday! Take tons and tons of pictures. Cause its the happiest place on earth. I need some of that happiness :)

Sounds like everyone is super busy from the emails. The days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days here. Its weird. Last monday we had a stake family home evening. It was cool-we had a bunch of carnival type games and people had to pay a "talent" when they played. But the only way to get talents was to listen to spiritual messages for a few minutes. It was fun! Me and an Elder from my district in the MTC were in charge of the golf putting game. So fun! It turns out that Hispanic people do not know how to play golf(Dad you would have died!) I seriously had to show them how to hold the club and everything! LOL!

So President Saylin called us up on Tuesday and said he wanted to meet with Hermana Hammar and I that night. He is seriously so awesome!! He basically gave us words of advice and told us what a great job we are doing. I am so grateful for him. One thing he said was that "I wish you could see yourself in the eyes of your mission President" He kept telling us the Lord is pleased with our work, etc. It helped so much!

We walked out of the mission office to find that it was SNOWING!! It didn't stick or anything but it was so cool. I took a picture but you cant tell what it is of. LOL I will always remember that it was the snow :)

Hermana Hammar is hilarious so we were mad cleaning our apartment on Wednesday(tell you why later) and she found these nerd/huge glasses. She said she wanted to wear them that day and I laughed thinking she was joking. NO! She seriously wore them all day! HAHA! I took pictures.

OK-so we had to crazy mad clean our apartment cause President told us that a member of the seventy was coming to our mission for the mission conference and wanted to tour a couple missionary apartments. WEll out of all the choices he picked ours!! SO it had to be spotless!

Mission conference ended up being so good! I cried. Sister Zwick(the seventy's wife) gave an amazing talk(Maygen they came to your mission a couple years ago---I dont know if you were there). She talked about her handicapped son and how he calls her many times in one day. He always starts the conversation saying "Mom, are you happy?" Well, that morning he called his mom and he told his mom to "tell all the missionaries to be really really happy" I was of course bawling. And then she talked about losing a loved one while on your mission, a parent or sibling, well....of course next to me is the Elder that found out like 2 months ago that his dad died and he decided to stay on his mission. He started sobbing during her talk. She gave really inspiring words!

Well, they came to our apartment after the conference. They kept talking about how great me nad hna. hammar nad I are. We even said a prayer in our apartment-they blessed us, our investigators, and our apartment. Think-a member of the seventy and 2 mission presidents(one that is about to go to Iowa to be a mission pres.). It was truly amazing!!

Oh os during the conference Elder Zwick asked that a set of missionaries come up and teach a lesson to show everyone---of course me nad hermana hammar are chosen!!!! Scared to death!! Well, it ended up going really well. Afterward President thanked us for doing such an awesoem job.

Well, I dont have much time left. I love you! HAve fun this week. Thanks for the letters and emails.

Hermana RIchards

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