Monday, November 8, 2010

Hace Frio!

"The earth is not our home. We are away at school, trying to master the lessons of 'the great plan of happiness' so we can return home and know what it means to be there."
-Elder Bruce C Hafen

On Friday night we brought our ward mission leader to a lesson with Jenny and Juan. I love them! Hermano was such a huge help and they committed to get work off so they can come to church. I sat down with their two little boys as we used my little pictures to put together the plan of happiness. I have been studying the Plan of Salvation a lot because I am working on re-doing my lesson plans and I am on the second lesson(The Plan of Salvation). The quote by Elder Bruce C. Hafen just hit me because its so true!
We have to be away from something to really appreciate it. For example, I have been away from my family for over a year and I feel like my love for you has grown stronger because I had to take a step back and realize what it felt like to not be with you. Once I get home I will better appreciate it because I will know what it means to be there. To be together again. It is the same with our Heavenly home. We will be thankful to live with our families and God forever because of all the work we did to get there. Just trying to have a more eternal perspective I guess.

It has gotten super cold here. I got out all my scarfs and jackets that have been packed away in my suitcase for 8 months. LOL! I like the cold but it is harder to contact people because every one is inside and warm. Plus- it gets dark by 5 pm. Little bit more rough as a missionary.

We had Presidents interviews on Thursday. It was exactly what I needed. President Saylin is such an amazing man. He told me I have done an amazing job building up the area. I really needed to hear that because it has been super hard. But I really feel like I have never had better investigators and I think it means more to me because I was the one who started it with all of them. I knew them from the beginning. I am really excited for what is to come in this area this next transfer. If all continues to go how it is now we should have 2 families baptized next month with 2 other women. So tight!

We ate lunch at a members house on Thursday and found out that her baby daughter has been super sick. Well, as we were teaching the lesson I asked if they had thought of a Priesthood blessing. Hermano has only been a member for two years and he said that he doesn't know how to give blessings. What good is the Priesthood if you don't know how to use it? I called up a Priesthood holder from the ward to come over and teach Hermano how to do it. I was so amazing to see him, so nervous and humble, put his hands on his baby's head and give her the cutest blessing ever. Hermana cried because her husband has been having a hard time going to church and just lost his job the day before. His spirit was low. What a great way to unify this family! I learned a lesson on the importance of the Priesthood that day and how the importance of having it in the home. How often do I take for granite the sacred power the Priesthood holders have? I need to do more to support the Priesthood.

We are working with this amazing family, Jorge and Dulce. They have two adorable little girls and have totally loved and accepted the gospel. We came back for the second visit and I asked how their prayers went. They had never prayed before. They both looked at each other and said "We are still a little uncomfortable praying. I mean we pray two times a day as a family now and say our personal prayers but we still feel nervous." I almost fell off my chair. How many members pray ONCE a day with their family? They are awesome. Dulce and her little girls came to church and LOVED it! Everyone thought they were already members. Jorge had to work(pray he can get next week off). AND they are actually married! 95% of Hispanic couples are not married. It is super hard cause we have to get people married before baptism. They have a baptismal date for Dec. 5th! YEAH! Most humble people I have ever met.

Transfer calls are next Monday. I think I might die if I have to leave this area. Literally. I think I say that every time but so far these are my favorite investigators. I love these people way too much. We will see what the Lord has in store for Hermana Richards. I only have 3 transfers left-sick. My gut is telling me I am going English next transfer....I hope not.

I love you all a lot. Sorry I am a slacker on writing letters. Just not enough time. Have some fun in the snow for me! Wal-mart totally has all of their Thanksgiving/Christmas stuff up. I all of the sudden got a huge craving for some of Grandma's cooking and pumpkin pie. Hispanics dont really celebrate thanksgiving so it might be just a normal day for me. We will see. Love ya!


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