Monday, November 15, 2010

Spaghetti Mess!

President Saylin has recently written a talk in our mission newsletter about the Sacrament. I have realized that recently I haven't been as focused on the Sacrament as I could be. I am so worried about investigators, if they have a good experience, if members sit by them, not to mention playing the piano---that I have taken my mind off of the importance of the Sacrament. I tried really hard yesterday to be reverent and partake of the sacrament in a manner that is respectful. It was such a spiritual experience for me. I have been missing out these last few months. President Saylin said, "May we not forget in our hearts-even always remembering-what He has done for us and for those we love. With such remembrance, none of us would ever do anything contrary to His will or decline opportunity to repay the debt owed to Him." Remember what President Packer said, "Reverence invites revelation."

First off, I am not getting transferred. Hermana Stevens and I are staying together another transfer. When I told Dulce yesterday that there was a chance I was leaving she started to cry! LOL! I am OBSESSED with her. Her and I are best friends. She is so cute-at Church yesterday she was taking notes and marking her scriptures. She and her husband went to the Thanksgiving activity last Friday with their girls and I guess they stayed till 11pm and danced(ya, I didn't know ward parties went that late...but then again I am in a Spanish ward. LOL). She is probably the most prepared person I have ever taught. Its really awesome to be a part of.

I was on exchanges 2 different times this last week. It was a good experience but on Tuesday we had a bunch of problems and I ended up having to take a sister missionary to the mission office to go home. LONG story. But a little stressful to say the least. I think I am done with exchanges at least for a little while. I feel like I have lived out of my suitcase.

One of our investigators wanted to learn how to make spaghetti so on Friday I made her and her family their first spaghetti ever! It tasted pretty delicious if I do say so myself. The funny thing was that Hispanics do not use ever. Most of the members only have forks for when the missionaries come over to eat. SO we ate with spoons. Well, cute little 4 year old Fanny(Stefany-short) couldn't do it so she ended up eating it with her hands. It was SO fun to watch the cute kids eat Spaghetti for the first time, with their hands! It was a mess that's for sure! And the hug from Fanny on the way out with her sauce covered face and hands was even funnier. Yes I am washing that skirt today. LOL!!

I ate menudo(cow stomach) and cow hoof on Thursday. I wanted to kill myself. I went to go wash the bowl and throw the rest away when Hermana stopped me and told me that I have to cut the fatty looking stuff off and eat it. "Es bien rica y tiene vitaminas!" NO it is NOT delicious and how does fat have any vitamins??? wonder most missionaries gain weight on their mission.

It was hot one day-sweating.....freezing the next. Ok houston.....make up your mind. Have a good week! LOVES!

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