Hey Everyone!!
So Christmas is on Friday! It is so crazy to think about. I'm sure you are doing all the normal Christmas Eve stuff. You will definitely need to send me pictures.
Wow!! Ok Holy Cow! This has been the longest 6 days of my life! I landed in Houston and we went to the Mission Pres. house. There we had interviews, workshops, and dinner. We then had a tesitmony meeting. After that we slept at the Dunnings apt. (they are a senior couple who lives near Sugar Land). The Dunnings are awesome. I actually live in that complex now and the Dunnings give me mail and stuff cause they live a building away. So the next day...we woke up and went to a church house where we we trained some more, rules, etc. Then we got our trainers. My trainer is Hermana Hammar. She is from Rigby Idaho. It is kinda crazy because she has only been in texas 4 months...yup and she is training me. Luckily her Spanish is pretty good. The sisters right before us opened this area so we are still trying to get to know everything. I am in Missouri City. There are a lot of Spanish people here! Basically everywhere.
My apartment has just me and my comp. It is weird not being around so many missionaries like at the MTC. I am definitely still adjusting.
So let me tell you a little about what I have been doing these last few days. We have a baptism on Saturday. His name is Armando.. He speaks only Spanish(some people here can speak both). He is from Mexico. He is pretty aweome! He has accepted everything and is very active in the church already. We also have 2 other people with baptism dates in Jan. so far.
We have English classes every Tues. and Thurs. We dont teach the class but the senior missionaries that do dont speak Spanish, so we mostly translate...Haha. Well, I dont yet.
OH mom! So you know those taco car/van things that are like parked on teh side of the roads?? Yup I ate there. CRAZY! It wasnt bad. We were out trying to find people in that area nad the lady that runs the taco place is nice and we want to teach her.
Mostly we have been teaching our investigators and finding new people. One of my favorite things here so far is when we teach the less active or recent converts. They are all super nice. We have been able to get a less active family ot come to church and a ward christmas activity. It was awesome!
Since being here my throat has not adjusted to the humidity in the air. I have like this weird cough. Its not really sore just I ocasionally lose my voice and cant really sing....which brings me to my next point! The AP's asked me nad my companion to sing for a Christmas mission conference. There is going to be half the mission there!! Oh nad did I mention my companion doesnt sing?! Haha...cool. I will have to tell you how that goes.
We had a ward christmas party on Sat night. It was cool cause we were able to get some of our investigators there and I got to meet some people in the ward. By meet I mean smile and say "hola!" haha...They are all really nice. Definitely a culture shock. Not your regular Ward Christmas party thats for sure.
So Sunday we went to church. Yes it is a whole spanish stake. Our ward is cool and very supportive of missionaries. I have already gotten 2 huge presents form them. I really didnt understand anything going on at church. They speak way too fast!! Funny story!!!!!!!! So no latinos play piano. So we are about to start Relief Society weh na man comes up to my comp. I didnt know what he was saying(it was in spanish). All I heard was the word piano. and next thing I know I am walking down the hall. Then into the chapel. They wanted me to play the piano for them??!!!!! Santa baca(holy cow)!! So I play the sacrament hymn...no idea still what song it was. And then the guy tells me it is pg 126(the special musical number....what special musical number??????) I was playing the piano for the Relief Society musical number. So for hte next 10 minutes I am like memorizing the song. Scared to death. So we get up to do it. And the chorister lady tells me it is page 124. WHAT??!! SO I then proceeded to play an intro and play the piano for their musical number. HAHAHAAHAHA!! It was pretty bad. I dont think they relaly notcied though. Kill me!! :)
Another funny story...Mom, you will die. So Sunday night we went over to a recent converts house. As we were teaching her a mouse ran from under her couch to mine right passed my feet. I was speechless. My companion let out a small gasp. We didnt want to offend her so we didnt say anything more. But I could just imagine a mouse chillin' by my feet as we were trying to teach. I was SO scared. LOL
So those were a few of my adventures from this past week. I get to tlak to you on Christmas!! I am excited. We are going over to a members house and I think we are going to call you there. I am actually not sure how its going to work. I think we are calling at around 11 my time so 9am your time.
I dont think I need anything right now. I guess I will let you know next week after I open christmas presents. I love all of you and am thinking about you!
-Hermana Richards
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
link to Sarah's new home, check it out
Your missionary has arrived!
Dear family,
We are pleased to report that you missionary has arrived safely! They are incredible and we are so pleased to have them here in the greatest mission in the world. I have sent you a list of each missionary’s assignment as well as the name of their trainer whom they will meet tomorrow. I am sure you will enjoy looking up their area on a map! They have also written a letter to you that we will put in the mail tomorrow. Please note that their P-day here is on Monday.
I have also attached a photo from our time together tonight in the mission home. We had a most spiritual testimony meeting. Thank you for raising such fine missionaries with incredible testimonies who are ready to serve in all ways. President Saylin and I are truly impressed.
With love,
Pres. and Sister Saylin
Sis. Varner Sis. Gibson Galveston
Sis. Stevens Sis. Toapanta Houston 8
Elder Wood Elder Smith Houston 8
Sis. Wright Sis. Greenberg Houston 9
Elder Stastny Elder Cope Fresno
Sis. Richards Sis. Hammar Missouri City
Sis. Clifton Sis. Hammeren Brazos
Elder Troung Elder Greenhaulgh Braeburn (Vietnamese)
Sis. Kiene Sis. Stander Memorial Park
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Texas Here I Come
Hey ya'll!!
Yes! I leave on Tuesday for Texas. I have to be at the travel office here at the MTC at 6am. So however long it takes me to get to the sirport and to the terminal is when I will call you. My plane doesn't take off till 10:17am. So I think I will get achance to call everyone.
Maygen-I am giving my branch Presidents wife a box Monday night. Her name is Joan Lloyd. Her phone number just in case is 801-373-8885 or 801-225-3553. She is super nice. I am giving her your # to call you but just in case.
This week has flown by SO fast. Some of my favorite things this week were the Christmas Devotional. I loved Motab! I love the Christmas season. It doesnt feel like Christmas too much here but Im sure it will on Tuesday! Oh!!! Maygen you will enjoy this-I went to the make-up class you were talking about a while ago. It was serisouly awesome!! They basically gave you a make over and gave me a huge bag of Nuskin makeup for free. The lady told me it is valued at around $200!! Sister Missionaries get the perks :)
Jess-Maygen told me you set a date for May1st! Congrats :) Mom also told me that you found some really cute bridesmaid dresses. I need pics!
Oh! I got a letter from my mission President. President Saylin. He basically said my first day I will get there go to the mission home, have interviews, dinner, and a testimony meeting. I am SO excited! Mom-dont worry about sending that stuff in the suit case I left yet. Let me see how things go in the next week. What is even in that bag?? I cant remember. :)
Packing is going to be an adventure. I know I have a lot of stuff. Lets see how creative I have to get!
How are things at home?? Getting ready for Christmas?? Have you played fugitive lately? My companion told me danny won the biggest loser. She is a fan too!
Sorry this email is kinda boring. I'm sure next week I will have SO much to write about. I think I heard that my p-days are Mondays. Not sure?? I will email as soon as I can.
So my Spanish...pretty much still stinks. Hahaha! I'm not joking either. I'm sure Maygen will want to speak a little in Spanish, dont set your expectations too high. :)
One of the things Iam looking forward to the most is that the night before I leave my whole zone sings "God be with you till we meet again" in espanol. It is SO fun! I am going to record it on my camera. So when I send the disc home you will have to watch it.
Overall, I am doing really good. I am just so excited to go to Texas! My week was pretty normal here. It is just all Spanish all the time. Yesterday I was waiting for my companion to get her HEP A shot and I was talking to this Elder from Spain. I told him(in spanish) to talk to me like he would at home. With his spanish I mean. I was SO shocked because I understood like 90% of what he was saying! I was so happy....I couldn't really say much back though. HAHA! Also, he is learning English so I had to speak to him in spanish cause he didnt understand. He was awesome!!
Well....I gotta go! I am so so so so so so excited to talk to you! I love you! Talk to ya soon(i love saying that)
Hermana Richards
Yes! I leave on Tuesday for Texas. I have to be at the travel office here at the MTC at 6am. So however long it takes me to get to the sirport and to the terminal is when I will call you. My plane doesn't take off till 10:17am. So I think I will get achance to call everyone.
Maygen-I am giving my branch Presidents wife a box Monday night. Her name is Joan Lloyd. Her phone number just in case is 801-373-8885 or 801-225-3553. She is super nice. I am giving her your # to call you but just in case.
This week has flown by SO fast. Some of my favorite things this week were the Christmas Devotional. I loved Motab! I love the Christmas season. It doesnt feel like Christmas too much here but Im sure it will on Tuesday! Oh!!! Maygen you will enjoy this-I went to the make-up class you were talking about a while ago. It was serisouly awesome!! They basically gave you a make over and gave me a huge bag of Nuskin makeup for free. The lady told me it is valued at around $200!! Sister Missionaries get the perks :)
Jess-Maygen told me you set a date for May1st! Congrats :) Mom also told me that you found some really cute bridesmaid dresses. I need pics!
Oh! I got a letter from my mission President. President Saylin. He basically said my first day I will get there go to the mission home, have interviews, dinner, and a testimony meeting. I am SO excited! Mom-dont worry about sending that stuff in the suit case I left yet. Let me see how things go in the next week. What is even in that bag?? I cant remember. :)
Packing is going to be an adventure. I know I have a lot of stuff. Lets see how creative I have to get!
How are things at home?? Getting ready for Christmas?? Have you played fugitive lately? My companion told me danny won the biggest loser. She is a fan too!
Sorry this email is kinda boring. I'm sure next week I will have SO much to write about. I think I heard that my p-days are Mondays. Not sure?? I will email as soon as I can.
So my Spanish...pretty much still stinks. Hahaha! I'm not joking either. I'm sure Maygen will want to speak a little in Spanish, dont set your expectations too high. :)
One of the things Iam looking forward to the most is that the night before I leave my whole zone sings "God be with you till we meet again" in espanol. It is SO fun! I am going to record it on my camera. So when I send the disc home you will have to watch it.
Overall, I am doing really good. I am just so excited to go to Texas! My week was pretty normal here. It is just all Spanish all the time. Yesterday I was waiting for my companion to get her HEP A shot and I was talking to this Elder from Spain. I told him(in spanish) to talk to me like he would at home. With his spanish I mean. I was SO shocked because I understood like 90% of what he was saying! I was so happy....I couldn't really say much back though. HAHA! Also, he is learning English so I had to speak to him in spanish cause he didnt understand. He was awesome!!
Well....I gotta go! I am so so so so so so excited to talk to you! I love you! Talk to ya soon(i love saying that)
Hermana Richards
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Hey everyone!
First off! Jay is engaged?!!! That is super exciting. I knew it was only a matter of time before it would happen. I have to be honest, I cried when I opened that letter and read that. I didn't cry because I was sad. I cried becasue it hit me that I am not home right now and things started to seep in a little bit that I wont be home for another 16 months. I dont know that it has really hit me that I am a missionary. I think it will once I go to Houston. But I am really excited for both of you. I do need pictures though! I am sure you are already planning. Do you have a date yet or any plans?? I need all the details jess.
Bad news...the dearelder machine has been broken for 2 days so I havent gotten anything. They said they are fixing it now and I should have them by tonight. Sorry if I dont respond today to anything :(
OH! Some more bad news....I haven't gotten my travel plans yet. I have no idea why. I was so excited to write you about them. Sorry! I am pretty sure I am leaving the 15th. I will tell you everything next friday. I will call all you from the airport. It might be really early in the morning though. You better answer! Haha
I cannot believe that I am leaving in like 10 days for Texas! I am so excited!! But also really nervous because my Spanish...leaves much to be desired. :) I know the Lord will help me as I make the effort to learn. I love the MTC! I could not have asked for a better district, zone, or teachers. I really have been blessed. My teacher the other night was talking to us about how a district like ours does not come along that often and about how great we are. I feel so blessed. It is hard to think that soon I will have to say goodbye to these Elders that have become like brothers to me.
Cool story...well its not really a story. The same night you all went to Temple Square to see the lights turn on, I was here at the MTC doing the same thing. They have tons on Christmas lights in this main plaza area. It was so cool. Everyone was taking pictures. It made me feel closer to you all because I knew thats what you were doing in SLC. But i at the time didnt know that was when Jess was getting engaged.
I am doing SO good! I am Spanish all the time it seems like. I love it! I wish I was better but I know htat the more I practice the better my Spanish will be.
So I kind of had a small moment that I missed decorating for Christmas. You all know I was always the one to do the tree. I miss decorating the tree this year :( It was always my job. The tree doesnt look as good this year right??? Cause I didn't do it. LOL :)
I hope you all have a great week! You are always in my prayers :)
Hermana Richards
First off! Jay is engaged?!!! That is super exciting. I knew it was only a matter of time before it would happen. I have to be honest, I cried when I opened that letter and read that. I didn't cry because I was sad. I cried becasue it hit me that I am not home right now and things started to seep in a little bit that I wont be home for another 16 months. I dont know that it has really hit me that I am a missionary. I think it will once I go to Houston. But I am really excited for both of you. I do need pictures though! I am sure you are already planning. Do you have a date yet or any plans?? I need all the details jess.
Bad news...the dearelder machine has been broken for 2 days so I havent gotten anything. They said they are fixing it now and I should have them by tonight. Sorry if I dont respond today to anything :(
OH! Some more bad news....I haven't gotten my travel plans yet. I have no idea why. I was so excited to write you about them. Sorry! I am pretty sure I am leaving the 15th. I will tell you everything next friday. I will call all you from the airport. It might be really early in the morning though. You better answer! Haha
I cannot believe that I am leaving in like 10 days for Texas! I am so excited!! But also really nervous because my Spanish...leaves much to be desired. :) I know the Lord will help me as I make the effort to learn. I love the MTC! I could not have asked for a better district, zone, or teachers. I really have been blessed. My teacher the other night was talking to us about how a district like ours does not come along that often and about how great we are. I feel so blessed. It is hard to think that soon I will have to say goodbye to these Elders that have become like brothers to me.
Cool story...well its not really a story. The same night you all went to Temple Square to see the lights turn on, I was here at the MTC doing the same thing. They have tons on Christmas lights in this main plaza area. It was so cool. Everyone was taking pictures. It made me feel closer to you all because I knew thats what you were doing in SLC. But i at the time didnt know that was when Jess was getting engaged.
I am doing SO good! I am Spanish all the time it seems like. I love it! I wish I was better but I know htat the more I practice the better my Spanish will be.
So I kind of had a small moment that I missed decorating for Christmas. You all know I was always the one to do the tree. I miss decorating the tree this year :( It was always my job. The tree doesnt look as good this year right??? Cause I didn't do it. LOL :)
I hope you all have a great week! You are always in my prayers :)
Hermana Richards
Happy Black Friday!!!
Hola Familia!
How was Thanksgiving??? I'm sure it was a complete mad house at Grandmas with everyone. Did you all go watch a movie last night?
My Thanksgiving was actually pretty good. My companions and I woke up that morning and had breakfast out of a vending machine because we had to get in line for the morning devotional. YES...I stood outside for 2 hours in the freezing cold to get a seat(just like you gys stood outside in the freezing cold on black friday!). Because there are so many missionaries here they do not have room for everyone in the gym so there is an overflow of like 700 missionaries in another building. I didn't want ot be in there because our Branch President told me Elder Holland was coming!!! His devotional was probably the best talk I have ever heard from him(better than his at conference)! I cried through most of it. He talked about 3 main things he was Thankful for: his family, his mission, and Heavenly Fathers love. I want to share a few things about what he said concerning family. "It is beyond my ability to say how grateful I am for my family. I would join the church if the only doctrine I knew of was eternal families. I could not concieve heaven without my family. It would not be heaven without them. Many of you may feel homesick today. Good! I want you to be homesick. Because it now that you are gone that you have a greater appriciation for them. There is an empty seat today at your families Thanksgiving table. Make sure that you get everyone "home". Make sure that there are no empty chairs in the celestial kingdom. This homesickness you feel is only a portion of the homsesickness Heavenly Father has for His children." He closed his talk with my favorite quote: "I am NOT devoting my life to a fairy tale! This is God's truth!" His talk was so powerful! I could barely read what I was writting through my tears. It made my Thanksgiving.
For thanksgiving dinner(lunch-I ate at 12:30) we had turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, roll, pumpkin and apple pie, yams, brocoli salad thing, jello salad, etc. It wasnt bad. For dinner we jsut had a sack dinner thing. OH! We did a bunch of cool service projects though. I colored some book things for kids and we put together first aid kits. It was really fun! One of my favorite parts of Thanksgiving I set up. In my district I thought it would be a good itdea for everyone to bring some pictures of their family and tell about them. We called it "family share". It was so cool to see pics of the Elders families. My district feels like my family here. I love them all so much! Overall, my Thanksgiving was really good!
Thank you so much for the cards and packages. Dad & Kolette-my district basically loves you for all the candy, bread, etc. Thank you so much!
Funny story-so I was trying to fix my companions necklace and I thought I woudl use a tiny bit of super glue to get the job done. Well, all the sudden a ton came out on my hands. Well it has been 3 days and I still have glue on my hands. I tried nail filing it down, rubbing alcohol, hot water, etc. HAHA! never again!
One thing that my disrtict does every other day is called English Fasts. It is basically where we do not speak any English. It is SO hard! haha...Como se dice??(HOw do you say...) is my favorite phrase. It has been fun though.
I have a new nickname with my district. I am now called 'MOM'. I taught Elder Fernelius how to sew on a button 3 days ago. And another elder has a cold so I agve him meds. It was funny cause he was like "Mom how much do I take" I then had to show him the line he had to pour it to. Those are only af ew examples of how I am the district 'mom'. HAHA
I am doing really good here a the MTC. I only have 2.5 weeks left! It is so crazy! I get my travel plans on Wed. So next imte I email I will give you the info. So I was thinking about somethings you could send me for Christmas. Not that I am asking for anything but I know you will send stuff so I figured I would give you ideas. Address labels(like of my address in Houston). It takes so long to write out my address. Another idea is some more proactive step #1. I'm good on all the other steps.
Thanks for everything! I leave for Texas on Dec. 14th! I am so excited. Have a wonderful week. I am praying for all of you!
Hermana Richards
How was Thanksgiving??? I'm sure it was a complete mad house at Grandmas with everyone. Did you all go watch a movie last night?
My Thanksgiving was actually pretty good. My companions and I woke up that morning and had breakfast out of a vending machine because we had to get in line for the morning devotional. YES...I stood outside for 2 hours in the freezing cold to get a seat(just like you gys stood outside in the freezing cold on black friday!). Because there are so many missionaries here they do not have room for everyone in the gym so there is an overflow of like 700 missionaries in another building. I didn't want ot be in there because our Branch President told me Elder Holland was coming!!! His devotional was probably the best talk I have ever heard from him(better than his at conference)! I cried through most of it. He talked about 3 main things he was Thankful for: his family, his mission, and Heavenly Fathers love. I want to share a few things about what he said concerning family. "It is beyond my ability to say how grateful I am for my family. I would join the church if the only doctrine I knew of was eternal families. I could not concieve heaven without my family. It would not be heaven without them. Many of you may feel homesick today. Good! I want you to be homesick. Because it now that you are gone that you have a greater appriciation for them. There is an empty seat today at your families Thanksgiving table. Make sure that you get everyone "home". Make sure that there are no empty chairs in the celestial kingdom. This homesickness you feel is only a portion of the homsesickness Heavenly Father has for His children." He closed his talk with my favorite quote: "I am NOT devoting my life to a fairy tale! This is God's truth!" His talk was so powerful! I could barely read what I was writting through my tears. It made my Thanksgiving.
For thanksgiving dinner(lunch-I ate at 12:30) we had turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, roll, pumpkin and apple pie, yams, brocoli salad thing, jello salad, etc. It wasnt bad. For dinner we jsut had a sack dinner thing. OH! We did a bunch of cool service projects though. I colored some book things for kids and we put together first aid kits. It was really fun! One of my favorite parts of Thanksgiving I set up. In my district I thought it would be a good itdea for everyone to bring some pictures of their family and tell about them. We called it "family share". It was so cool to see pics of the Elders families. My district feels like my family here. I love them all so much! Overall, my Thanksgiving was really good!
Thank you so much for the cards and packages. Dad & Kolette-my district basically loves you for all the candy, bread, etc. Thank you so much!
Funny story-so I was trying to fix my companions necklace and I thought I woudl use a tiny bit of super glue to get the job done. Well, all the sudden a ton came out on my hands. Well it has been 3 days and I still have glue on my hands. I tried nail filing it down, rubbing alcohol, hot water, etc. HAHA! never again!
One thing that my disrtict does every other day is called English Fasts. It is basically where we do not speak any English. It is SO hard! haha...Como se dice??(HOw do you say...) is my favorite phrase. It has been fun though.
I have a new nickname with my district. I am now called 'MOM'. I taught Elder Fernelius how to sew on a button 3 days ago. And another elder has a cold so I agve him meds. It was funny cause he was like "Mom how much do I take" I then had to show him the line he had to pour it to. Those are only af ew examples of how I am the district 'mom'. HAHA
I am doing really good here a the MTC. I only have 2.5 weeks left! It is so crazy! I get my travel plans on Wed. So next imte I email I will give you the info. So I was thinking about somethings you could send me for Christmas. Not that I am asking for anything but I know you will send stuff so I figured I would give you ideas. Address labels(like of my address in Houston). It takes so long to write out my address. Another idea is some more proactive step #1. I'm good on all the other steps.
Thanks for everything! I leave for Texas on Dec. 14th! I am so excited. Have a wonderful week. I am praying for all of you!
Hermana Richards
Friday, November 20, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Happy Turkey Day this week!!
First off...Mom thanks for the lotion! I LOVE packages! How was Twilight??? I am wearing my "Bite me Edward" shirt to celebrate. Hahaha...So I bet you are all excited for Thanksgiving. I am sad I will miss the whole family being together but I think I can handle just getting pictures. :) Oh! And I am SURE Amanda already has the ads scoped out to see what the deals are for Black Friday. I will need pictures of that too. Lol!
This last week went really well!! Except teaching in Spanish is no bueno...it is hard to convey how you are feeling and teach the gospel in a meaningful way when you dont even know the words. I have found it to be a struggle for me because I want to say things perfect and I cant right now.
On Sunday we had 2 amazing speakers! In Relief Society we had Sister Oaks come and speak. She is Elder Oaks wife. Her talk was so good but the part that got me was at the end she had her friend, who has down syndrome, bare her testimony and sing us a song. I started bawling! Then she sang "As I Have Loved You" with the sign language. I was a mess! haha. It really hit home for me and was such a special moment for me to remember how much support I have, on earth and in heaven.
Sheri Dew spoke Sunday night!! It was so awesome!! I was writting notes so fast I thought my hand was going to fall off. She talked about how the patterns I learn here on my mission will help me forever and how my family is being blessed because of my service. She was so great!
My favorite experience this last week was teaching 4 Elders form another district. We have taught them many times a week for 5 weeks. They are awesome guys. Well me and my companions decided to teach to them and try our best to teach by the spirit. We didn't go in with much of a plan. So we started and the guys were goofing off but by the end it was amazing! I felt that I needed to share some of the trials I have had in my life(Tylers death and parents divorce), then I talked about prayer and the Savoir. I started to cry and then the elders started to cry. We asked them how do they feel of Gods love in their life and they said "right now". It was the most spiritual lesson I have ever gave! Later I found out that 2 of the elders parents were divorced and one of them had their sister pass away less than a year ago. I love missionary work! It is so incredible how the spirit can lead you share things you never thought to. After wards the Elder said it was the best lession he had ever heard and he wished he could give us a hug. It wasn't me teaching it was the spirit. My companions and I after that went to the bathroom and cried cause it was so awesome!
I got to host new missionaries on Wednesday. The first girl I had was from Samoa and didnt speak English very well. I loved her! Her family dropped her off in a huge van and they all sang. It was amazing! Oh and while I was waiting for another girl...I saw this black new missionary get out of this really old beat up car. Then 2 of his friends got out. I talked to him later and he is the only member in his family and they wouldnt go with him to the MTC cause they dont support him. So his 2 friends dropped him off and gave him huge hugs and took pictures. I almost started crying! A mission is hard enough, I cannot imagine doing it without the support of family.
Thanks so much for everything! I love you all so much! *HUG* (thats me hugging you :)
Love, Hermana Richards
First off...Mom thanks for the lotion! I LOVE packages! How was Twilight??? I am wearing my "Bite me Edward" shirt to celebrate. Hahaha...So I bet you are all excited for Thanksgiving. I am sad I will miss the whole family being together but I think I can handle just getting pictures. :) Oh! And I am SURE Amanda already has the ads scoped out to see what the deals are for Black Friday. I will need pictures of that too. Lol!
This last week went really well!! Except teaching in Spanish is no bueno...it is hard to convey how you are feeling and teach the gospel in a meaningful way when you dont even know the words. I have found it to be a struggle for me because I want to say things perfect and I cant right now.
On Sunday we had 2 amazing speakers! In Relief Society we had Sister Oaks come and speak. She is Elder Oaks wife. Her talk was so good but the part that got me was at the end she had her friend, who has down syndrome, bare her testimony and sing us a song. I started bawling! Then she sang "As I Have Loved You" with the sign language. I was a mess! haha. It really hit home for me and was such a special moment for me to remember how much support I have, on earth and in heaven.
Sheri Dew spoke Sunday night!! It was so awesome!! I was writting notes so fast I thought my hand was going to fall off. She talked about how the patterns I learn here on my mission will help me forever and how my family is being blessed because of my service. She was so great!
My favorite experience this last week was teaching 4 Elders form another district. We have taught them many times a week for 5 weeks. They are awesome guys. Well me and my companions decided to teach to them and try our best to teach by the spirit. We didn't go in with much of a plan. So we started and the guys were goofing off but by the end it was amazing! I felt that I needed to share some of the trials I have had in my life(Tylers death and parents divorce), then I talked about prayer and the Savoir. I started to cry and then the elders started to cry. We asked them how do they feel of Gods love in their life and they said "right now". It was the most spiritual lesson I have ever gave! Later I found out that 2 of the elders parents were divorced and one of them had their sister pass away less than a year ago. I love missionary work! It is so incredible how the spirit can lead you share things you never thought to. After wards the Elder said it was the best lession he had ever heard and he wished he could give us a hug. It wasn't me teaching it was the spirit. My companions and I after that went to the bathroom and cried cause it was so awesome!
I got to host new missionaries on Wednesday. The first girl I had was from Samoa and didnt speak English very well. I loved her! Her family dropped her off in a huge van and they all sang. It was amazing! Oh and while I was waiting for another girl...I saw this black new missionary get out of this really old beat up car. Then 2 of his friends got out. I talked to him later and he is the only member in his family and they wouldnt go with him to the MTC cause they dont support him. So his 2 friends dropped him off and gave him huge hugs and took pictures. I almost started crying! A mission is hard enough, I cannot imagine doing it without the support of family.
Thanks so much for everything! I love you all so much! *HUG* (thats me hugging you :)
Love, Hermana Richards
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Hey everyone!
Thank you so much ofr all the letters and the packages. Maygen, I love the seat coushins(sp?). My companions also really love them! Thanks for everything, you are amazing!! Also...I loved the Halloween pictures and chips and salsa. My companions and district know all about my family. Haha...I am saving the chips and salsa for next week because we are goign to have a fiesta before my roomates leave for Argentina. I am so excited!!
So one of my favorite parts of this week has been playing Spanish charades(sp?). It was really funny. My district was like "WOW! Hermana Richards is really getting into this!". I had to laugh. Its because of all those nights of us playing games and how competetive our family is. HAHA!
My Espanol is coming along ok. This next week I am teaching about 7 times in Spanish so I hope it really help me progress. Oh! Next Wednesday me and my district gert to host all the new missionaries coming in the MTC. Meaning we are the ones right there when they get out of the car and we take them around and get them settled. I am really excited because I feel really "old" as a missionary here because I have been here now like 4.5 weeks. So crazy!
Funny story....so I wrote like 1000 letters last week(yes really 1000 :) and mailed them off on Sat. Well...yesterday my companion was picking something up from under my bed and found like 3 letters that accidentely fell! I was so mad! So Denise, Sam and Linds, I am sorry! I am writing you today! Don't think I am a slacker.
Wow! So time really flys by here. I really love it though! Everyone is SO nice and caring. I am always feeling the Spirit. The longer I am here the more I realize the importance of me being here and the work I am doing. There are moments when you can be really tired or your head can hurt from speaking Spanish but everyday I wake up with a new energy that keeps me going. I am SO blessed. One of my greateest blessings is the Elders in my district. I wish you could meet them. Last night we were all laughing so hard we were crying. They really keep my spirits high.
At the temple today I thought of all of you. I began to cry because I am so grateful for all of you. And I am so happy to call you my family! Sometimes I wish I could talk to you and tell you about he great day I had or something cool that happened but I know you can feel of my love becasue I feel yours everyday. As I am tyoing this I am crying because and so thankful for all of you. I wish I could convey to you the importance of this gospel to me. I will be forever changed becasue of these only 4 short weeks so far and I know the Lord will continue to refine me into a disciple of Christ. I love you all so much! I know this church is true. Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and restored the church on this earth in its fulness. Jesus Christ is our Savoir and Redeemer. If you apply the Atonement in your life you will feel of a greater happiness and joy than you could ever imagine. I love this work! I miss everyones face and smile :) I love you :)
Love, Sarah
Thank you so much ofr all the letters and the packages. Maygen, I love the seat coushins(sp?). My companions also really love them! Thanks for everything, you are amazing!! Also...I loved the Halloween pictures and chips and salsa. My companions and district know all about my family. Haha...I am saving the chips and salsa for next week because we are goign to have a fiesta before my roomates leave for Argentina. I am so excited!!
So one of my favorite parts of this week has been playing Spanish charades(sp?). It was really funny. My district was like "WOW! Hermana Richards is really getting into this!". I had to laugh. Its because of all those nights of us playing games and how competetive our family is. HAHA!
My Espanol is coming along ok. This next week I am teaching about 7 times in Spanish so I hope it really help me progress. Oh! Next Wednesday me and my district gert to host all the new missionaries coming in the MTC. Meaning we are the ones right there when they get out of the car and we take them around and get them settled. I am really excited because I feel really "old" as a missionary here because I have been here now like 4.5 weeks. So crazy!
Funny story....so I wrote like 1000 letters last week(yes really 1000 :) and mailed them off on Sat. Well...yesterday my companion was picking something up from under my bed and found like 3 letters that accidentely fell! I was so mad! So Denise, Sam and Linds, I am sorry! I am writing you today! Don't think I am a slacker.
Wow! So time really flys by here. I really love it though! Everyone is SO nice and caring. I am always feeling the Spirit. The longer I am here the more I realize the importance of me being here and the work I am doing. There are moments when you can be really tired or your head can hurt from speaking Spanish but everyday I wake up with a new energy that keeps me going. I am SO blessed. One of my greateest blessings is the Elders in my district. I wish you could meet them. Last night we were all laughing so hard we were crying. They really keep my spirits high.
At the temple today I thought of all of you. I began to cry because I am so grateful for all of you. And I am so happy to call you my family! Sometimes I wish I could talk to you and tell you about he great day I had or something cool that happened but I know you can feel of my love becasue I feel yours everyday. As I am tyoing this I am crying because and so thankful for all of you. I wish I could convey to you the importance of this gospel to me. I will be forever changed becasue of these only 4 short weeks so far and I know the Lord will continue to refine me into a disciple of Christ. I love you all so much! I know this church is true. Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and restored the church on this earth in its fulness. Jesus Christ is our Savoir and Redeemer. If you apply the Atonement in your life you will feel of a greater happiness and joy than you could ever imagine. I love this work! I miss everyones face and smile :) I love you :)
Love, Sarah
Friday, November 6, 2009
yo hablo espanol??
How is everyone?? Thank you so much for the letters and packages. Pretty much whenever I get mail I share it with my companions so they know a lot about you guys. I can't help but telling them all about my family and friends :) They really liked the candy, pictures, letters you have sent for them and they are so grateful for you guys. They keep tellign me how awesome my family is. Of course I couldn't argue with them.
So last Saturday was Halloween...as a missionary you dont really get to celebrate. I wore a green sweater and switched name tags with my companion as my "costume". Oh and we basically pigged out on candy, carmel popcorn, etc. Oh and Maygen! We totally did the scripture thing. It was awesome! My roomates all appriciated it.
This week my favorite thing has to have been when Elder and Sister Rasband from the Presidency of the Seventy came and spoke. It was one of the most amazing talks I have ever heard. Maygen-I guess they were mission Presidents over your mission like 10 years ago and they both centered their talks on NYC and missionary work. It reminded me so much of you. I will try and write more about it in a letter to you! Man, I wish you and Denise could have heard it. But it was all about hte Savior and how to just open your mouth and teach!
So...my companions taught for the first time in Spanish yeaterday!! Agh! It was really scary at first but ended up going better than I tought it would. I definitely have a lot to learn though. It is amazing how fast you can learn here at the MTC. The biggest thing I am having trouble with is conjegations. I know all the conjegations I just forget them while I am talking so I sound kinda ridiculous talking. OH! So we started playing this game with my district, it is called el nativo. Basically we all draw a paper each morning and if your paper says "el nativo" then you have to speak Spanish all day, no matter what! But everyone else wants to trick people into thinking they are the nativo so they tlak in Spanish too. At the end of the night we vote and crown a winner. Of course I draw the nativo the first day. Lets jsut say I was a little quiter than usual. HAHA!!
So not much else is new. Study, class, eat, gym, bed. Thats about it. So I decided to come up with some random facts about the MTC, or at least my version:
-my handwritting has gotten worse since being on a mission. If you are lucky enough to get a letter from me have fun translating my handwritting.
-The elders get hot easy so our classroom feels like an ice chest
-It is difficult ot make a bed when it is a bunk bed. I hit my head on the bar EVERYDAY!
-a watch becomes your best friend
-panty hoes become your worse enemy(i dont have to wear them but again the classroom is like an ice chest)
-you learn to get ready faster than the speed of light.
-you love wednesdays becasue all the new missionaries come in nad it makes you feel like an experienced missionary. Really you dont knwo much more than them
-the most drama you hear here is about who is coming for devotional...you will here rumors about a apostle or even last week the prophet. Those are fun times.
-It is weird when you dont have your nametag on. like during gym...you feel incomplete.
-Things at the bookstore are 40% off!!
-Fluent Spanish speakers see your nametag and automatically think you are fluent. LOL "No hablo Espanol...."
-The only time when you leave your companions sight is during gym and when in your dorms.
-You have to have this special credit card thing to eat, get into your floor, residence, etc.
-the food is not good. I do like cereal and salad.
-my room is on the 4th floor so you g et used to goign up stairs-there is free ice cream bars after dinner
-Somewhere there is a room full of all pillows..i havent found it yet. I am still looking :)
That is all the facts I can think of right now.
I am doing really good. I am busy busy studying and trying to learn Spanish. I am so grateful for all of you!
I love you.
-Hermana Richards
How is everyone?? Thank you so much for the letters and packages. Pretty much whenever I get mail I share it with my companions so they know a lot about you guys. I can't help but telling them all about my family and friends :) They really liked the candy, pictures, letters you have sent for them and they are so grateful for you guys. They keep tellign me how awesome my family is. Of course I couldn't argue with them.
So last Saturday was Halloween...as a missionary you dont really get to celebrate. I wore a green sweater and switched name tags with my companion as my "costume". Oh and we basically pigged out on candy, carmel popcorn, etc. Oh and Maygen! We totally did the scripture thing. It was awesome! My roomates all appriciated it.
This week my favorite thing has to have been when Elder and Sister Rasband from the Presidency of the Seventy came and spoke. It was one of the most amazing talks I have ever heard. Maygen-I guess they were mission Presidents over your mission like 10 years ago and they both centered their talks on NYC and missionary work. It reminded me so much of you. I will try and write more about it in a letter to you! Man, I wish you and Denise could have heard it. But it was all about hte Savior and how to just open your mouth and teach!
So...my companions taught for the first time in Spanish yeaterday!! Agh! It was really scary at first but ended up going better than I tought it would. I definitely have a lot to learn though. It is amazing how fast you can learn here at the MTC. The biggest thing I am having trouble with is conjegations. I know all the conjegations I just forget them while I am talking so I sound kinda ridiculous talking. OH! So we started playing this game with my district, it is called el nativo. Basically we all draw a paper each morning and if your paper says "el nativo" then you have to speak Spanish all day, no matter what! But everyone else wants to trick people into thinking they are the nativo so they tlak in Spanish too. At the end of the night we vote and crown a winner. Of course I draw the nativo the first day. Lets jsut say I was a little quiter than usual. HAHA!!
So not much else is new. Study, class, eat, gym, bed. Thats about it. So I decided to come up with some random facts about the MTC, or at least my version:
-my handwritting has gotten worse since being on a mission. If you are lucky enough to get a letter from me have fun translating my handwritting.
-The elders get hot easy so our classroom feels like an ice chest
-It is difficult ot make a bed when it is a bunk bed. I hit my head on the bar EVERYDAY!
-a watch becomes your best friend
-panty hoes become your worse enemy(i dont have to wear them but again the classroom is like an ice chest)
-you learn to get ready faster than the speed of light.
-you love wednesdays becasue all the new missionaries come in nad it makes you feel like an experienced missionary. Really you dont knwo much more than them
-the most drama you hear here is about who is coming for devotional...you will here rumors about a apostle or even last week the prophet. Those are fun times.
-It is weird when you dont have your nametag on. like during gym...you feel incomplete.
-Things at the bookstore are 40% off!!
-Fluent Spanish speakers see your nametag and automatically think you are fluent. LOL "No hablo Espanol...."
-The only time when you leave your companions sight is during gym and when in your dorms.
-You have to have this special credit card thing to eat, get into your floor, residence, etc.
-the food is not good. I do like cereal and salad.
-my room is on the 4th floor so you g et used to goign up stairs-there is free ice cream bars after dinner
-Somewhere there is a room full of all pillows..i havent found it yet. I am still looking :)
That is all the facts I can think of right now.
I am doing really good. I am busy busy studying and trying to learn Spanish. I am so grateful for all of you!
I love you.
-Hermana Richards
Friday, October 30, 2009
Halloween Email!
Hey y'all!
This week has gone by SO fast! It feels like I was just writing you an email. My week is going great. We had some really good speakers this week. Sister Mottsumori(sp?) from the Primary general presidency gave the lesson in Relief Society. She talked all about how to teach primary aged children the gospel. She showed this really cute movie with little kids. I started to cry because I missed Brook, Ash, and Maddy so much!! We also learned the sharing time song for 2010. It is so good. It talks about Christ blessing the children and crying because of them. I have to say that it really made me miss my baby nieces :(
On Tuesday we had Elder L. Tom Perry speak. It was so amazing. He spoke on using the spirit to teach. His brought all fo his grandchildren to sing a song(there was this little girl that looked like Brooklyn, so I started crying again). They sang this song called "My kindness shall not depart from thee" I LOVE that song. Such a good devotional. Also, all 3000 missionaries sang Called to Serve. I cannot even begin to describe to you the feeling of singing that song with the power of 3000 missionaries. It was a very spiritual experience for me and most people around me. It confirmed to me why I am on a mission and the reason I am here.
So....I know that Taylor Swift came out with 7 new songs on Tuesday. Has anyone heard it yet?? wanna give me the dish?? Hahaha...I am kinda sad I cant hear it(Maygen...i NEED lyrics) HAHA!
I had a pretty cool experience at the RC on Wednesday. Remember the RC is where I call people. So I called this 23 year old guy in Detroit, to ask him if he recieved his Book of Mormon he requested. And we talked for like 20 minutes about the gospel! He has read all the way to Mormon. I even asked him to read a verse with me over the phone and he had his BOM with him as he was walking home from class. I got him to agree to meet with the missionaries and pray about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. It was so AWESOME!!
Thanks again for everyone who wrote me letters. I feel SO blessed. I can honestly say that my one companion has only recieved 1 letter since being here. I feel really bad. Maybe mom...you guys could do something for them. I dont know. A little candy or something??
So next week I begin teaching in Spanish...I am going to pee my pants! lol! I really am kinda an idiot when it comes to Spanish, but I am working hard. Teaching lessons in English comes really easy for me so I think I really need to concentrate on Espanol.
Oh! I heard that you are doing a biggest loser challenge with the family! I am so down!! Maybe I will do it here. I can weigh myself once a week. I think I might have lost some weight because I dont eat a lot(i dont really likethe food) and I am always walking up stairs. I am so excitedf or you guys! Keep it UP!!!
Jessica-I am obsessed with your Dearelder! It made me miss your personality. Especially about the old people. Haha
Denise-Jake is awesome! I think I made him kinda nervous when talking to him cause he was trying to be really nice to me. Go for it!!
Maygen-Any cool date stories?? My companions and roomates are dying for more! :)
Sam and Linds-I love you and think about you A LOT! HUG!!(that is a hug from me :)
Thanks again for everything you guys! It is so great to know that I have such a huge support group back at home. I love it! I love and miss you all. OH!! I NEED pictures from Halloween.
Love, Hermana Richards
Mom- if you want to send my companions something it is the same address. Their names are Megan Stevens and Robyn Wright. Thanks! I LOVE YOU!
This week has gone by SO fast! It feels like I was just writing you an email. My week is going great. We had some really good speakers this week. Sister Mottsumori(sp?) from the Primary general presidency gave the lesson in Relief Society. She talked all about how to teach primary aged children the gospel. She showed this really cute movie with little kids. I started to cry because I missed Brook, Ash, and Maddy so much!! We also learned the sharing time song for 2010. It is so good. It talks about Christ blessing the children and crying because of them. I have to say that it really made me miss my baby nieces :(
On Tuesday we had Elder L. Tom Perry speak. It was so amazing. He spoke on using the spirit to teach. His brought all fo his grandchildren to sing a song(there was this little girl that looked like Brooklyn, so I started crying again). They sang this song called "My kindness shall not depart from thee" I LOVE that song. Such a good devotional. Also, all 3000 missionaries sang Called to Serve. I cannot even begin to describe to you the feeling of singing that song with the power of 3000 missionaries. It was a very spiritual experience for me and most people around me. It confirmed to me why I am on a mission and the reason I am here.
So....I know that Taylor Swift came out with 7 new songs on Tuesday. Has anyone heard it yet?? wanna give me the dish?? Hahaha...I am kinda sad I cant hear it(Maygen...i NEED lyrics) HAHA!
I had a pretty cool experience at the RC on Wednesday. Remember the RC is where I call people. So I called this 23 year old guy in Detroit, to ask him if he recieved his Book of Mormon he requested. And we talked for like 20 minutes about the gospel! He has read all the way to Mormon. I even asked him to read a verse with me over the phone and he had his BOM with him as he was walking home from class. I got him to agree to meet with the missionaries and pray about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. It was so AWESOME!!
Thanks again for everyone who wrote me letters. I feel SO blessed. I can honestly say that my one companion has only recieved 1 letter since being here. I feel really bad. Maybe mom...you guys could do something for them. I dont know. A little candy or something??
So next week I begin teaching in Spanish...I am going to pee my pants! lol! I really am kinda an idiot when it comes to Spanish, but I am working hard. Teaching lessons in English comes really easy for me so I think I really need to concentrate on Espanol.
Oh! I heard that you are doing a biggest loser challenge with the family! I am so down!! Maybe I will do it here. I can weigh myself once a week. I think I might have lost some weight because I dont eat a lot(i dont really likethe food) and I am always walking up stairs. I am so excitedf or you guys! Keep it UP!!!
Jessica-I am obsessed with your Dearelder! It made me miss your personality. Especially about the old people. Haha
Denise-Jake is awesome! I think I made him kinda nervous when talking to him cause he was trying to be really nice to me. Go for it!!
Maygen-Any cool date stories?? My companions and roomates are dying for more! :)
Sam and Linds-I love you and think about you A LOT! HUG!!(that is a hug from me :)
Thanks again for everything you guys! It is so great to know that I have such a huge support group back at home. I love it! I love and miss you all. OH!! I NEED pictures from Halloween.
Love, Hermana Richards
Mom- if you want to send my companions something it is the same address. Their names are Megan Stevens and Robyn Wright. Thanks! I LOVE YOU!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Week 2 Letter!!! Her Testimony is in Spanish!!!!!
Hola everyone!
First off, I have to thank everyone for the letters and packages!! It has been so wonderful to hear from all of you. My district kind of hates me because I get the most letters and packages. Hahaha!! That doesn't give you permission to stop. :)
My week has been so great! I joined choir. I love it! Plus we get an awesome seat for the devotional. I also really like Sunday's because we get to watch films. Last week we watched the Joseph Smith movie. I cried of course. It is crazy here because we are in class most of the day and if we are not in class we are studying. It sometimes is rough because I dont have time to study and retain the things I am taught. Especially the Spanish. I am really surprised at how much I am learning. The Lord has definitely blessed me. The MTC is an amazing place.
On Wednesday we went to the RC for the first time. Basically the RC is were missionaries make phone calls to people who have reqested a BOM or other things. We call them and try to get them to agree to meet with the missionaries. I had a couple of people commit to meeting with the missionaries. And I also had a couple of mean people but oh well! We also can chat online with people on Mormon.org. Its really cool!
It has been amazing to feel the spirit here at the MTC. It is crazy the energy and strength that is provided for you to accomplish all you can to become the best you can. I am LOVING the work I am doing. Now that I am on a mission it has only confirmed to me the desire I have had for years to serve. It is amazing. I wish I could explain it better but I cant. Only those that have experienced the MTC can understand the overwhemling feeling of love from Heavenly Father that you feel.
It is weird sometimes to think about you guys. I definitely miss all of you! I love the many funny stories you tell me about and even just the day to day things make me happy to read about. My biggest struggle here at the MTC is being tired. I at times just want to take a nap so bad! But then suddenly I will wake up and be totally fine. It is amazing!! I hope you are all doing well. After I finish this email I am going to write you letters. It is realy hard to get everything you want to say in a short time period and when you are surrounded by about 50 missionaries doing laundry. I love you all so much!! Thank you for the support. I am so blessed!!
Yo sé Jesus es el Salvador. Estoy agradecio por la expiación y el plentitud del Evangelio. El libro de Mormon es verdadero! Le estoy agradecido a mi padre celestial por este oportunidad servir de un misión.
Love, Hermana Richards
First off, I have to thank everyone for the letters and packages!! It has been so wonderful to hear from all of you. My district kind of hates me because I get the most letters and packages. Hahaha!! That doesn't give you permission to stop. :)
My week has been so great! I joined choir. I love it! Plus we get an awesome seat for the devotional. I also really like Sunday's because we get to watch films. Last week we watched the Joseph Smith movie. I cried of course. It is crazy here because we are in class most of the day and if we are not in class we are studying. It sometimes is rough because I dont have time to study and retain the things I am taught. Especially the Spanish. I am really surprised at how much I am learning. The Lord has definitely blessed me. The MTC is an amazing place.
On Wednesday we went to the RC for the first time. Basically the RC is were missionaries make phone calls to people who have reqested a BOM or other things. We call them and try to get them to agree to meet with the missionaries. I had a couple of people commit to meeting with the missionaries. And I also had a couple of mean people but oh well! We also can chat online with people on Mormon.org. Its really cool!
It has been amazing to feel the spirit here at the MTC. It is crazy the energy and strength that is provided for you to accomplish all you can to become the best you can. I am LOVING the work I am doing. Now that I am on a mission it has only confirmed to me the desire I have had for years to serve. It is amazing. I wish I could explain it better but I cant. Only those that have experienced the MTC can understand the overwhemling feeling of love from Heavenly Father that you feel.
It is weird sometimes to think about you guys. I definitely miss all of you! I love the many funny stories you tell me about and even just the day to day things make me happy to read about. My biggest struggle here at the MTC is being tired. I at times just want to take a nap so bad! But then suddenly I will wake up and be totally fine. It is amazing!! I hope you are all doing well. After I finish this email I am going to write you letters. It is realy hard to get everything you want to say in a short time period and when you are surrounded by about 50 missionaries doing laundry. I love you all so much!! Thank you for the support. I am so blessed!!
Yo sé Jesus es el Salvador. Estoy agradecio por la expiación y el plentitud del Evangelio. El libro de Mormon es verdadero! Le estoy agradecido a mi padre celestial por este oportunidad servir de un misión.
Love, Hermana Richards
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Sister Richards' 1st Email!!!!!
Hola Mi familia!!
Wow!! I can't believe it was only a few days ago that I was with all you guys. I feel like I have been at the MTC for weeks! These last few days have been so great. After you dropped me off I spent a lot of time in lines getting my keys, room, etc. We then later that night had a huge meeting with all the new missionaries. So my companion decided not to show up. Sad I know!! Once I met with my District Presidency they then put me with two other Hermanas in my district. And guess what?? They are also going to the Texas Houston South Mission! Spanish speaking. Hermana Stevens from Idaho and Hermana Wright from Washington. In my district alone we have a total of 6 missionaries going to my mission. All leaving the same day to go to Texas. The Elders in my district are awesome!! They are very respectful of the Hermanas.
The last few days we have been in cass A LOT!! We have been learning the first lesson in Preach My Gospel and how to pray and testify in Spanish. I am VERY grateful for the little Spanish I know. I really do wish I had paid more attention in Spanish though. It has been really weird singing in Spanish. I am having trouble getting the tune of the song and trying to sing in a language I dont know at the same time. Haha! I would totally mess it up and then laugh out loud....oh man.
One thing that has been hard is that one of my teachers is sick. So we haven't meet her yet. Because of that we have had up to 7 or 8 different teachers. They wouldn't know what the person before them has taught so we often get lessons very similar or almost the same. I feel like we are a little behind as a district. But no worries, we are all working really hard to learn as fast and effective as we can.
How are things at home? I realize now how amazing it was to be a part of Pauls discussions and baptism. I feel like I can realate in the role playing to the investigator a little bit because I sat in when Paul was taking the discussions. Me and my companions taught the first lesson today to some other Hermanas in another district and it went SO well! I was so happy when we were done. Afterward they just kept saying how they could not believe it was our first week because we did so well.
Thank you so much for the letters!! It really has uplifted me. Oh! Funny story...so right after you guys dropped me off the Elders helping me at the curb said that our goodbye/curb drop off was the best Sister drop off they had ever seen. So good job family for not crying for 20 minutes and making a scene!
I love you all SO MUCH!! I am doing great. Really! i have only cried once and it was because of an experience I will have to tell you more about later :) I have noticed how much Heavenly Father has blessed me so far. He has given me SO much strength. I can even begin to expain the feeling of His love for me. I have felt it stronger here than I have ever had before. Please write!! Have a wonderful week.
Love,Hermana Richards
Wow!! I can't believe it was only a few days ago that I was with all you guys. I feel like I have been at the MTC for weeks! These last few days have been so great. After you dropped me off I spent a lot of time in lines getting my keys, room, etc. We then later that night had a huge meeting with all the new missionaries. So my companion decided not to show up. Sad I know!! Once I met with my District Presidency they then put me with two other Hermanas in my district. And guess what?? They are also going to the Texas Houston South Mission! Spanish speaking. Hermana Stevens from Idaho and Hermana Wright from Washington. In my district alone we have a total of 6 missionaries going to my mission. All leaving the same day to go to Texas. The Elders in my district are awesome!! They are very respectful of the Hermanas.
The last few days we have been in cass A LOT!! We have been learning the first lesson in Preach My Gospel and how to pray and testify in Spanish. I am VERY grateful for the little Spanish I know. I really do wish I had paid more attention in Spanish though. It has been really weird singing in Spanish. I am having trouble getting the tune of the song and trying to sing in a language I dont know at the same time. Haha! I would totally mess it up and then laugh out loud....oh man.
One thing that has been hard is that one of my teachers is sick. So we haven't meet her yet. Because of that we have had up to 7 or 8 different teachers. They wouldn't know what the person before them has taught so we often get lessons very similar or almost the same. I feel like we are a little behind as a district. But no worries, we are all working really hard to learn as fast and effective as we can.
How are things at home? I realize now how amazing it was to be a part of Pauls discussions and baptism. I feel like I can realate in the role playing to the investigator a little bit because I sat in when Paul was taking the discussions. Me and my companions taught the first lesson today to some other Hermanas in another district and it went SO well! I was so happy when we were done. Afterward they just kept saying how they could not believe it was our first week because we did so well.
Thank you so much for the letters!! It really has uplifted me. Oh! Funny story...so right after you guys dropped me off the Elders helping me at the curb said that our goodbye/curb drop off was the best Sister drop off they had ever seen. So good job family for not crying for 20 minutes and making a scene!
I love you all SO MUCH!! I am doing great. Really! i have only cried once and it was because of an experience I will have to tell you more about later :) I have noticed how much Heavenly Father has blessed me so far. He has given me SO much strength. I can even begin to expain the feeling of His love for me. I have felt it stronger here than I have ever had before. Please write!! Have a wonderful week.
Love,Hermana Richards
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Missionary Training Center
Sister Richards finally entered the MTC yesterday. We hated how we now just "drop" them off now. The MTC really uses the analogy of saying goodbye is like taking off a band-aid, the faster it is the less it hurts. Here are some pictures of her right before she OFFICIALLY started her 18 months of serving the Lord!
Monday, October 12, 2009
OFFICIALLY Sister Richards
Sarah got set apart tonight as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She leaves tomorrow to go to the MTC on Wednesday!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Sarah's Farewell BBQ TEXAS STYLE!

We had a BBQ a few weeks ago in Henderson for Sarah's family and friends to come say goodbye and give her advice! It was soo much fun! We played water kickball, ate some tasty Texas food, and enjoyed wonderful company from many family and friends!
Sister Richards is getting packed and ready to SERVE THE LORD!
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